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Video content is seeing massive gains in popularity. When implemented correctly, video content has been shown to be far more effective than text alone.
For consumers:
Youtube has over 1 billion monthly users, which translates to ⅓ of the internet
4x as many consumers like to watch video of a product rather than read about it.
For b2b marketing:
91% of businesses plan to increase spending in 2021
70% of businesses are satisfied with video marketing performance
75% of business watch work related videos weekly.
Spaulding Lyme Disease -"HACKATHON"
Lyme Innovation aims to solve critical prevention, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation challenges facing the Lyme disease field by bringing together diverse researchers and scientists at a series of "Hackathons".
This effort is led by the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network/Harvard Medical School Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and is sponsored by the Bay Area Lyme Foundation.
Teams rolled up their sleeves to tackle the most pressing challenges related to Lyme disease! Teams brainstormed, created proposals for research projects, and bounced their ideas and questions off many mentors!
The top 5 teams took home seed funding, and were invited to present their final projects at the Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness Research Consortium in September 2016. At this final event, three top teams will be awarded grant funding to make their solutions a reality!
Sweetman Cragun Re-Invention
SweetmanCragun develops leader-accelerators around the globe that can become corporate leaders in today’s Age of Disruption.
They consult with organizations so that these organizations can master critical competencies to be able to thrive, change and master reinvention.
This animated feature is the first in a series of “parables” that will be used to kick-off meetings, conferences and promote the exciting innovative brand that is SweetmanCragun.
Light up The Night Gala for Autism
Now in its Eleventh year, the annual Light Up The Night gala, hosted by Teamsters Local 25, continues to grant funds to local organizations both big and small to asset in the fight against autism.
The video is a testimonial to those who are out in the community creating awareness and helping those in need.
Middlesex Bank
Working with the Sprague/Nelson Advertising Agency, MSTV went out into the community to produce the Who We Choose To Be marketing and branding video for Middlesex Bank.
Middlesex Bank markets , a different kind of banking.
As a mutual bank, Middlesex Bank does things differently.
It's a simple philosophy really - put the customer first.
With no shareholders, it's a philosophy they commit to. It means always offering fair value for a reasonable price. It means getting to know their customers personally, greeting everyone with warmth and respect. It means being out there and getting involved in the communities of every branch town. When you make your customer your first priority, and not your shareholders, you truly can be a different kind of bank.
YouTube Space Lab
YouTube Space Lab was a international science competition launched by YouTube and Lenovo, in cooperation with NASA, European Space Agency (ESA), and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). YouTube Space Lab announced sixty finalists and started the voting process for the regional winners where over 150,000 YouTube users voted for their favorite experiments.
Regional winners were determined by votes cast by the YouTube community factored alongside the votes cast by the competition's panel of judges. IKA Collective, in NYC brought on MSTV to shoot the feature on Emerald Bresnahan from Plainville, Massachusetts, whose Could a snowflake unlock the mysteries of the universe? experiment was one of two American finalists in the contest.
Hemenway & Barnes 150 Years of Service
Today's Hemenway & Barnes is the proud incarnation of a fiduciary custom that goes back to their founding in the 19th century and well before. For over 150 years, New England's individuals and families of means, businesses both private and public, and nonprofit organizations, have their trusted counsel. Thanks to these loyal clients, often spanning several generations, the people at Hemenway & Barnes have earned a long-held reputation as premier trustees, advisors and attorneys.
MSTV was hired to produce a documentary on the firm for its celebration of service to the clients that value the personal attention, unparalleled skill and legacy of trust for which they have become known.
Eastern Bank-Social Justice Award
Eastern Bank honored Mayor Thomas M. Menino with the 25th annual Wainwright Social Justice Award for his commitment to workforce development and job skills training – a cornerstone of his three decades of public service.
Eastern Bank called on Moody Street TV to produce the tribute video that played at the event before more than 800 people at an evening reception in downtown Boston.
Moody Street TV was extremely proud to be part of an event that would honor Mayor Menino, whose call to service improved the lives of countless Bostonians and positioned the city for great economic success.
The Science of BBQ and Grilling
What is Boxygen?